What are they Thinking!?

What are they Thinking!?

We don’t know! LOL Unless you are psychic I guess…even then are you completely sure?

Yet how many times do we question, criticize, belittle, second guess and berate ourselves over what we “think” others are thinking!

So many are afraid to speak out or write for fear of criticism when in reality, we are our biggest and sometimes only critic.

These sensitivities are often formed in childhood yet they stick with us throughout our entire lives, often without our awareness.

This is, I believe, one of the most important aspects of a Mastermind. Having these types of things revealed to you by doing assignments, reading and discussing things with your group.

We don’t want to dwell on this stuff. Just shine the light on it and see it for what it is…the past. Not much we can do about it now, except learn from it so that we do not continue to repeat the same patterns and mistakes.

I liked the action steps at the end of this chapter. He suggests not “planning” everything, especially what you are going to say, that you will be “guided” on what to say when the time comes.

I take this approach myself. When I am going to make a video, I set an intention for the video but I do not have a script or notes to refer to. I find that I am led to exactly what needs to be said. Same with my writing. It is not easy for some personality types to just “wing it” though. Also, if you are super conscious and fearful of how everything you say may come across to someone, it makes it a lot harder to say anything.

He points out that “planning” things to death is fairly worthless as the moment “action” takes place everything changes anyway.

Stop criticizing yourself! As I pointed out above most of this comes from things that we are not even sure those people “thought” to begin with.

We cannot go through life second, third and fourth guessing ourselves about what we have done, are doing or thinking of doing.

How many moments in this life are we going to waste reliving the same one over and over?

Even if they did feel or do those things, it would still have no bearing as we have no idea what was happening in that moment for them that caused them to react in such a way. Perhaps they too are just responding from a place of their past.

Hurt People Hurt People. Forgive Everything, not for them…for you. Bless them.

He suggests speaking Louder. I get what he is saying. So many speak in such a whisper that you can feel their insecurity. I think the rise in volume naturally comes with confidence although sometimes the dog that is the most insecure, barks the loudest.

Power can be felt regardless of the volume of the speaker…Ghandi comes to mind.

Next he encourages you to compliment 3 people a day (sincerely of course). He found that those who were selfconscious about being “judged” by people for their thoughts or actions, were also afraid to compliment other people for fear of being misunderstood
or thought to have an ulterior motive…key words “fear” and “afraid”.

Some would say, this goes waaaaay back to our tribal days when our survival literally depended on being accepted in the community. I think it is just a Universal need for Love and Acceptance.

I know this is getting long so I will wrap it up here…

The Reality is…we don’t know if we have tonight.

We need to tell people we Love, that we Love them. Stop being afraid to live. Time flies…whether we are having fun or not!

Stop wasting our moments reliving painful ones…if we must live in our memories, let’s choose the good ones. If we don’t have good ones, let’s make some!

Life is short, the only thing we will regret during our last breaths is not living it <3

The New PsychoCybernetics pages 223-233
Mindset Mastery Collective Assignment

Thank you Eckhart Tolle for the wise words and EffortlessPeace.com for the cute graphic!!


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