Days ago I posted on 3 Doctors going on a Humanitarian Mission to try to stop the Ebola epidemic utilizing Medical Ozone…this is the first update from Sierra Leone…
Special Thanks to Dr. Peter Jovanovic for providing these updates!!
First Update on Humanitarian Ebola/Medical Ozone Mission
Most of you now know that Dr. Howard Robins is in Sierra Leone teaching doctors in the method of Direct Ozone Injection in an effort to curtail the spread of EBOLA, this is in his words the latest update from both him and Dr. Robert J. Rowen Please for the love of everything sacred, let’s get this out to everyone because these two guys are risking their lives to benefit humanity, let’s do our part.
To all my friends: (Please share with anyone and everyone you wish)
This is the end of our third day in Sierra Leone.
To recap, Day One, Saturday, Dr. Robert Rowen and I, taught about 85 doctors, nurses and health care workers all about ozone therapy and how it can destroy the Ebola virus. We saw the incredible people here and there courage demonstrated in their going about business without fear. Most are very poor. It is a “third world” country and unfortunately, most of their very limited financial resources are going into fighting Ebola.
Day Two, Sunday, we stopped by Dr. Kojo Carew’s church where we were honored and spoke for a few minutes as he asked us to give “hope” to the congregation. We then went to his hospital and trained about 30+ doctors and nurses in the actual intravenous ozone therapy method that I have pioneered over the last 23+ years. We are working without lunch about 10 hours a day with training, followed by hour each night discussing strategy and the next days plans.
Day Three, Monday, we started by training 20 new doctors and nurses in the treatment. We then met with His Excellency, The President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma in his off ice in the State Building for 30 minutes. He invited us this evening to come to his home to treat him! Following this we taught a new group of doctors the academics of the treatment.
While all the young “frontline” doctors are onboard to do the therapy, having now experienced it themselves, the senior doctors are now also accepting this as a way to rid their country of this plague.
Finally this evening we went to the Presidents home. Soldiers and security personnel guard both his home and office. His home is high up on a mountain overlooking the city and harbor. It is both beautiful and stately.
After about a one-hour wait we were brought into his office (no cell phones or pictures allowed). We discussed with him how the Minister of Health was not giving us any support and even getting in our way. He asked three young “frontline” doctors their experience with the therapy which very positive and along with Dr. Carew, who is a good friend of the President, we seemed to convince him to give us his complete support.
I then gave the President a treatment. He seemed happy as well as fine following it as he had no negative reactions, not unlike the 30+ doctors I had treated the past two days. We made it clear to him that this could PREVENT the infection from taking hold and/or support your immune systems to fight it off effectively if you did get it!
It is now 2AM on Day Four and we have just finished plans on training the last group of doctors and meeting with the Minister of Health. More to come!