Cannabis IS Medicine!

If you have ever doubted that Cannabis is Medicine, watch these…

“I assist people with navigating the, sometimes overwhelming,
industry of cannabis to improve their quality of life. Cannabis IS Medicine!”
Katherine Clement RN, ret. HEALER Certified Cannabis Advisor


HEALER Certified Dr. Sulak Medical CannabisDr. Dustin Sulak, DO, Co-Founder and Director of

I am so very Blessed to have trained with Dr. Sulak!! He is simply a WEALTH of information!

How I discovered Cannabis

Being born in the ’60s, I was exposed to cannabis at an early age! I didn’t realize it was “medicine” at the time but in retrospect, I can see why I loved it!

I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t in pain. Auto-accidents, horseback falls, trampoline disasters, falling out of trees, bike wrecks, more concussions, and broken bones than I can count…pain was just part of my life. Cannabis helped. I was very much an introvert and had difficulty communicating with people. Cannabis helped. I had severe difficulties with menses (finally resulting in a hysterectomy). Cannabis helped. Due to my spinal cord birth defect (Tethered Cord Syndrome), I always had headaches (until after my spinal cord surgery), bowel & bladder issues, back, leg, and nerve pain. Cannabis helped.

I just didn’t understand WHY it helped. I had no idea that our bodies are actually wired for it!

I chose Nursing as a career, for the ability to do energy work (incognito), job stability, solid pay, benefits, and to help others through some of what I had lived through. Sadly, Cannabis was no longer an option for me.


Cannabis IS Medicine! Addiction

Fast forward many many years…I was able to help my adult son through the withdrawals of opioid addiction. Utilizing cannabis, we were able to avoid the cost of a Rehabilitation center and hospitalization. I am ecstatic to report that he remains free of addiction to this day (without cannabis)! He, like millions of others, was prescribed opioids after an injury and was quickly addicted. Thank you, God, for giving him the strength to fight and for cannabis to help him kick it! 

Funny Cannabis Meme

“As for patients already struggling with addiction, Sulak said that cannabis is effective in treating opioid withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, cramping, muscle spasms, anxiety, agitation, restlessness, and insomnia. And its safety profile is better than buprenorphine and methadone, he noted, both of which pose greater risks for abuse, diversion, and accidental death.”

“I’m not putting these treatment options down,” Sulak clarified. “These treatments save lives … but they’re not enough. We need something more.”

Cannabis, Sulak contended, can also change opioid-dependent brains by promoting neuroplasticity, or physiological changes in their structure related to forging new behaviors and thought patterns. “That’s exactly what we need to get someone out of that addictive cycle into a new phase in their life.”
Dr. Dustin Sulak, DO

Patients Turn to Cannabis as an ‘Exit Drug’ From Chronic Opioid Use and Addiction


Now, THIS is Medicine!

In 2005, I was rehabilitating a horse and wound up taking a bad fall. I hit my head (again), broke the pelvis, and crushed all 6 branches of the Pudendal nerves. My nursing career was gone in seconds. Long story short, the Docs didn’t pick up on the crushed nerves so I spent 5 years in suicidal levels of pain. 


Just Grace poem with girl wrapped in quilt crying



During that time, they tried me on many medications for the nerve pain but nothing worked. I had been on Gabapentin for Neuropathy for about 4 years when a stomach virus threw me into withdrawals (because I couldn’t keep the medicine down).

I was literally on the floor, in a fetal position, with fluids coming out of both ends, shaking, seriously feeling like I was about to die when a friend offered me a joint. Just 3 puffs of Cannabis brought me out of the withdrawal symptoms!

I went from feeling like I was dying to feeling fine in 10 minutes AND the cannabis helped the pain more than the Gabapentin ever did! God’s Grace included Cannabis for me!

I remember saying, “Now, THIS is Medicine!!”

Note about Gabapentin! As if my memory wasn’t bad enough with the concussions,
I barely remember those years and continue to have memory issues because of it. 


Cannabis IS Medicine! How it helps me

Unfortunately, I was not living in a “medical cannabis” state. I was among many who were forced to leave loved ones behind to escape the stress and danger of being “illegal” and get the medication we needed.

Let me be clear…cannabis does NOT take all my pain away. But, it does put a little “space” between me and the pain. It helps me eat, sleep, move, exercise, elevate my mood, and increase my focus, all things that pain interferes with. It improves my quality of life immensely.

If you have never been in pain that completely scrambles your brain then you won’t understand but I can tell you the relief is life-saving AND I don’t have to worry about addiction or overdose. Without cannabis, I was bedbound with pain and spasticity…with cannabis, I was free. I was able to move again, which helped me get my mobility and strength back.

Cannabis is medicine list of actions



Where is the Education?

As a Medical Cannabis patient, it is a relief to have access to quality medicine! But, I am shocked at how little education is given through some of the Medical Cannabis Docs! Thankfully, I had a wonderful Doc to start! 

What is the point of having so many strains (chemovars) “layered” with cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, with so many AMAZING benefits, if you don’t utilize them? I am not trying to get HIGH! I need the anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-tumoral, anti-anxiety, and nerve-pain relieving components!

There are no training requirements to be a budtender (although some of them are VERY knowledgeable). In most states, you just need to be 21, pass a background check, and pay a fee to the state. Basically, they expect the patient to come in knowing what they are looking for. That’s (semi) ok for the recreational side but for the medicinal side, I have higher expectations! No pun intended LOL 

As more and more states legalize cannabis, and in the midst of COVID, getting a Medical Cannabis card is as simple as picking up a phone with your credit card in hand. Gone are the days of taking your medical chart and visiting an office, getting a physical and whatnot, and receiving recommendations from your Doc based on your condition. There are a few good docs but these days, most patients are telling a Doc their condition over the phone and getting zero education or guidance.

In an Ideal World

“In an ideal world, the responsibility of a dispensary agent would be to provide a patient with cannabis-based medications that are compatible with their medical provider’s recommendation. The problem is most patients are seeing doctors who don’t give any advice or direction on how to use the medicine. So the patient shows up at the dispensary, and the dispensary attendant is essentially asked to play doctor. That’s asking someone with no clinical experience who was hired for a customer service role to give advice on how to use the medication to treat conditions that can be really serious.”

“A lot of people who are new to cannabis now are very hesitant and wary,” says Dr. Sulak. “My average new patient now is 70 years or older, has never tried cannabis, or it’s been decades since they’ve tried it. The aging population is really warming to the idea of using cannabis as a medicine, but they have a lot of reservations and fear about getting high, being impaired, falling. So, if they go into a dispensary and don’t get advice that will help them use the medicine correctly without experiencing the side effects and risks they’re worried about, it can really interrupt someone’s potential for successful treatment.”        Dr. Dustin Sulak, DO


Cannabis is medicine Cannabinoids and actions wheel


People need help! It’s just too complicated to figure out when you are in the throes of illness or injury!

Cannabis can help, with or without psychoactive effects!

People need Education!


What about CBD?

Since CBD hit the scene, every MLM and corner gas station is selling it! Sadly, studies show that almost none of them contain what they say they do. Some do not contain any CBD at all, and many of them have heavy metals and toxins in them! Check out this CBS report! They had a 3rd party lab test over 200 brands and found 70% of them were highly contaminated!

One of the most commonly asked questions we get is…


“If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and available, look for CBD products made from high-resin cannabis (rather than low resin industrial hemp) that are sold in state-licensed dispensaries. Unregulated hemp-derived CBD-infused products of varying quality are also available via dozens of internet storefronts and retail locations. Many of these products are mislabeled. Compared to whole plant CBD-rich cannabis, industrial hemp grown for fiber or seed is typically low in cannabinoid content. A huge amount of fiber hemp is required to extract a small amount of CBD, thereby raising the risk of contaminants because hemp, a bioaccumulator, draws toxins from the soil.”

After a decade of helping thousands of patients, Dr. Sulak understands how confusing it is to find quality CBD products and to know how to properly use them to get results. As is widely reported, many products are unsafe, ineffective, and do not contain the advertised amount of CBD.  Like you, he could not find products he could trust, until now. Healer Drops meet Dr. Sulak’s highest standards. Available in all 50 states! 

  • Each small batch is third-party tested to be free of harmful contaminants and accurately formulated from specially selected strains of hemp, organically farmed in Maine.
  • You will taste and feel the difference of the Healer Spectrum.  This patented process purifies and delivers more of the plant’s beneficial compounds so you can get better results from each drop.
  • Hemp affects everyone differently, so Dr. Sulak created a free, step-by-step Usage Guide and Response Tracker© to eliminate confusion on how much to take to get the best results.

Healer’s mission is to help you feel and perform your best every day. If you are not completely satisfied with our product, return it within 30 days for your money back. 

(Please note, I may receive a small stipend for recommending these products should you purchase
from their website after clicking on the banner below, this is not an MLM)

Healer CBD 20% off affiliate banner


Where did I train?

I was THRILLED to find Dr. Sulak’s HEALER Certified Cannabis Advisor training program!

Dr.Dustin Sulak, DO, is a renowned integrative medicine physician based in Maine. He has helped 18,000+ patients and is nationally regarded as an expert on medical cannabis. He is co-founder of HEALER, sits on the board of directors of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians, and lectures to healthcare providers internationally on the science and clinical applications of cannabis.

Furthermore, I love the way he teaches, providing responsible, clinical, and science-based education! And, every month, we gather as Dr. Sulak updates us on all the newest cannabis research, and case studies, with featured topics and speakers. I am so honored to be partnering with him! 

What conditions can Cannabis help? 

Pain, Neuropathic pain, Anxiety, Diabetes, Muscle Spasms, Glaucoma, Fibromyalgia, Mesh injured, Spasticity, Tourette’s, PTSD, Depression, Inflammation, Heart Disease, Crohn’s/IBS, Addiction, Insomnia, Autism, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, ADHD, Cancer and more!

Note: The side effects of some pharmaceuticals are INSANE and although cannabis is considered very safe in comparison, there ARE interactions that can happen with pharmaceuticals and situations where certain cannabinoids should NOT be utilized. Some cannabinoids can compete with medications at receptor sites, either enhancing or inhibiting their effects. 


I personally understand health challenges, recovery, and the

POWER of Cannabis to help you live your Best life! 


Funny Cannabis Meme



Would you like to see if Cannabis can help you?

Text HEALER to 303-435-8775 to schedule a FREE 15-minute chat/call.

If it’s a good fit we can schedule a 30-60 min session to get you on your way to wellness!

$60/hr for chat/phone/zoom consult

Individualized “ICanna” Plans are available for an additional charge.


We Gratefully accept Paypal, Venmo, and Bitcoin. Payment plans are available.

For more information please email with HEALER in the subject line. Blessings!


The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-clinician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.





















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